Charm City Broomball likes to offer advice and guidance for those looking for new equipment. Novice and advance players are welcome to inquire about what type of broom you would like build specifically for you. We will guide you, and even build the broom of your dreams for you!

Custom Broomball Sticks

AJ has been custom building sticks for years. He went through a lot of trial and error to find the perfect ones. By his count he has made 12 for himself, taking at least half that to find ones he likes or would recommend. For the last 4 years he has been making sticks for his teammates and friends so they don't have to go through the same trial and error, not to mention unhappiness while trying to find the perfect one. He will talk to you and make recommendations on the head type, shaft weight and length. Send an email and he can discuss with you. See some examples below.

All custom built sticks will come with the Charm City logo on them so everyone knows you represent Baltimore broomball! (seen below)

These are the current sticks I am recommending for players due to affordability, durability, and weight. Below that are the heads I recommend. You cannot go wrong with the curve.

Review the chart above for the sized curve that suits your needs. Recommend the 10 or the 20MM

head colors available: black, white, pink, blue, green, yellow, red

We will also cut the edges off your heads if you would like. 

             Before     After


-AJ #4 (Charm City Broomball, Roadrunners, TopShelf) 10MM curve

-AJ replacement. Solid, but too much flex. Some like it, it's all down to personal preference. 10MM curve

-Same as the blue stick 2 photos above. Amazing stick. No longer in production. Hard to find. Expensive, but very durable. 10MM curve

-AJ's first sticks using the curved head. These shafts (Maverik H2) are no longer in production. Hard to find. Very light weight and durable 10MM curve

-Bekah #00 (Charm City Broomball) 5MM curve

-Sean #8 (Charm City Broomball) 10MM curve

-Steph #10 (Charm City Broomball, Roadrunners, Agents) She has 2 Charm City brooms, both 10MM curve

-Cassie #13 (Charm City Broomball, Roadrunners, Agents) 10MM curve

-Rehanna #16 (Charm City Broomball, Roadrunners, Agents) 10MM curve

-Mark #24 (Charm City Broomball) 5MM curve

-Tom #32 (Charm City Broomball, Roadrunners, Corruption) 10MM curve

-Christian #64 (Charm City Broomball) 5MM curve

-Lisa (Charm City Broomball) 5MM curve

-The raw materials. After careful consideration many sticks are purchased to try out before recommending.


more stick building advice coming soon...